We are all about Keeping Wheathampstead Wonderful.
Wheathampstead and District Preservation Society (WDPS) is a group of dedicated local residents who want to improve our local environment. This website is designed to give an insight into the type of projects we promote and the local issues we support.
STOP PRESS: WDPS Finalists in St Albans Mayor's Pride Awards 2024
We did not win but we were thrilled to meet thesewonderful organisations that do great work in St Albans District and we were very honoured to be nominated and thrilled to be chosen as a finalist. Please see the video below for a great description of what we do to help Keep Wheathampstead Wonderful.

Keep Wheathampstead Wonderful
WDPS’s objectives are to
- preserve what is best
- where possible improve the environment and
- oppose inappropriate development
in Wheathampstead and the surrounding area. However, it is not our intention to “preserve” the village and its environs in their existing state, but rather to conserve what is best about Wheathampstead.
We accept that there has to be change and that some change is inevitable. WDPS’s aim is to try to ensure that change is managed in the best interests of Wheathampstead as a whole, and that unacceptable developments are not forced on the village against its wishes.
Why do we need a Preservation Society?
Wheathampstead & District Preservation Society (WDPS) was formed in 1995 by local residents to:
- Protect what is best about Wheathampstead from what members feel is harmful development
- Promote Wheathampstead as a village
- Encourage the preservation of our countryside and green spaces.
We live in a time of change, with a constant increase in development, traffic, pollution and the cost of housing. All of these take their toll on our village. WDPS is well known for fighting against developers and those who are careless of the concerns of villagers and our environment.
WDPS is an example of local people getting together to say what it is we want for our village. We don’t want to preserve the village in aspic but to ensure that any changes benefit rather than damage it. Our successes have shown what local people can do when we act together.