About Us
WDPS's Aims and Objectives
Stated simply, WDPS’s objectives are to
- preserve and improve the environment and
- oppose inappropriate development
in Wheathampstead and the surrounding area. However, it is not our intention to “preserve” the village and its environs in their existing state, but rather to conserve what is best about Wheathampstead. We accept that there has to be change and that some change is inevitable. WDPS’s aim is to try to ensure that change is managed in the best interests of Wheathampstead as a whole, and that unacceptable developments are not forced on the village against its wishes.

- Preserve and enhance the environment of the village and the surrounding area
- Promote traditional village enterprises and promote community cohesion
- Promote employment opportunities within new and existing rural businesses
- Raise awareness and encourage pride in our village and the surrounding area
- Oppose inappropriate development within the village and surrounding district.
- opportunities to improve or make better use of the village’s many assets
- reviewing planning applications and objecting to any inappropriate development
- reacting to external threats to the village
- taking part, along with other local organisations, in community-wide initiatives
- encouraging energy conservation.
What WDPS does
1. Improving the village and making better use of its assets
WDPS seeks to:
- to identify opportunities to improve the village or make better use of its many assets
- to undertake whatever is necessary to make that happen
- afterwards to carry out any necessary maintenance.
Examples are:
- development of the Diamond Jubilee Garden across the River Lea from the Bull
- maintenance of the Diamond Jubilee Garden
- development of Bury Green Garden at the junction of Bury Green and Old Rectory Gardens
- the installation of the red phone box in the High Street
- the installation of the Community Notice Board outside Tesco
- recommendations for tighter standards for signage in the village
- regular cleaning of traffic and similar signs which would otherwise be left dirty and difficult to read
- annual bulb planting at key locations to enhance the appearance of the village.

2. Reviewing Planning Applications

Opposing inappropriate development in the area means that WDPS gets involved in land-use planning matters when necessary.
- which may be regarded as inappropriate in the Green Belt or
- which have a detrimental effect on the Conservation Area or important statutorily listed buildings
- which, in our view, would significantly damage the architectural, historical and archaeological inheritance of the area.
3. Reacting to external threats to Wheathampstead
Wheathampstead and the surrounding district may be under threat not merely from inappropriate development within the area but from external developments that could adversely affect the village. WDPS seeks to identify these dangers and to oppose them. Examples in recent years have been:

4. Involvement in community initiatives
WDPS frequently partners other local organisations. These include Wheathampstead Parish Council, Wheathampstead Business Group (WEB), Countryside Management Services and Wheathampstead History Society.
Examples of joint ventures and of taking part in community initiatives are:
- Wheathampstead Heritage Trail (with the Parish Council and WEB)
- ‘Wheathampstead’s War’ evening (with the History Society)
- Village Day and Christmas Lights Up, when each year WDPS has its own stall.
Members of the Committee
Julie Bell (Chair)
Nigel Oxley (Vice-Chair)
Diane Black (Treasurer)
Richard Brett (Secretary)
Christine Boyles
Eve Richardson
Iain Begg
Sue Hemming

If you would like to join the Committee, or if you are thinking about it and would like more information, please click here.