Wheathampstead Litter Campaign

Find your nearest litter / dog waste bin

Waste bin in centre of Wheathampstead

Map of the centre of Wheathampstead above and map of the whole district of Wheathampstead to the right

Wheathampstead & District Preservation Society has set up a partnership with Wheathampstead Parish Council, St Albans District Council St Helen’s Church, and Wheathampstead Businesses Group (WEB), joining forces to help Wheathampstead combat litter.

Let’s not forget the amazing volunteers that regularly litter pick in their chosen spots – they make a huge difference to the cleanliness of the village – and help Keep Wheathampstead Wonderful.

Why is it so important to keep Wheathampstead clean and tidy?

Most of us feel that Wheathampstead is a special village and we are proud to be part of the community. Litter detracts from the beauty of our environment and yet is relatively easily addressed.r environment is badly damaged by litter – wildlife get entangled in litter, microfibres (especially prevelent and toxic in cigarette butts) seep their way into our river, etc…

It’s well known that people are more keen to visit and stay in an area that is clean and tidy – so thinking about litter will help our High Street shops and also give people visiting other businesses a much better feeling about Wheathampstead – and encourage them to return.

What can we all do to help?

Let’s start right now. Here are the options:

  • We can all choose a part of Wheathampstead that we want to make litter-free. This could be where we live or an area that is in obvious need of attention. If you would like to borrow a litter picker, please email info@wheathampsteadpreservation.org.uk and we will drop one over to you. Take a picture of the litter you’ve collected there. Send the photo and a brief note of what you’ve done to the WDPS website. This will mean you get entered into a prize draw. There will be separate prizes for adults and children, so please let us know if you are under 14.
  • If you are feeling competitive and enjoy using new Apps, we have set up a challenge using Litterati. You can use this to take a picture of each piece of litter you collect, and you will then be automatically entered in the prize draw.

The Litterati app

Join “Do not mess with Wheathampstead” in the Litterati app. Download the app here:

APPLE: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/litterati-cleaning-the-earth/id982782776;” or:

ANDROID: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.litterati.android&pcampaignid=MKT-Other-global-all-co-prtnr-py-PartBadge-Mar2515-1;”

Enter this code when you create your account: 01032021 to join our special campaign. 

Here are some tips we’ve put together when using the Litterati APP – by a WDPS member who become quite an expert!

  • Configure Litterati (Profile / Settings) to “Upload only via WiFi”. This avoids the problem of accidentally hitting the upload button.
  • Don’t use any other phone Apps while using Litterati and keep it on the photo. Then if your phone sleeps it’s just a single click to open up Litterati ready to take the next photo
  • To reduce battery consumption when using Litterati, go to Settings, then Control Centre, then Customise Controls and select Low Power Mode in the “INCLUDE” section. Then when you go out litter picking, slide up Control Centre and put your phone into Low Power Mode. This lets you keep the Litterati camera open at all times without consuming too much battery.
  • I often use a carrier bag with handles rather than a black bin liner and use two Carabiners to attach the carrier bag onto two belt loops at your waist then let the bag hang at the side
  • I hold my phone in one hand to photograph the litter then use thumb or finger of the same hand to hold open the carrier bag
  • Use the Litterpicker in your other hand to pick up the item and drop it into the open bag

There will also be spot prizes for any stories that capture the imagination of the judges. So please email us and let us know how you’ve got on.

Would you offer to be a litterpicking champion for your road for a month?

If you are interested in being the litter picking champion in your road or a favourite part of Wheathampstead – please drop us an email at info@wheathampsteadpreservation.org.uk . We have a few litter champions already – and they are doing a wonderful job in their area. Initially we are looking for a 3 month stint – and then you can choose if you want to continue or hand the mantel over to someone else. This way we can get Wheathampstead covered and regularly litter picked. And give people the recognition they deserve for all the good work. If you know someone that regularly litter picks – please get in touch with us so we can say a big thank you and see if we can support them in some way.

Who else is involved in the litter campaign?

At our request St Albans District Council have undertaken a review of the areas where they employ Veolia to clean the roads, pavements and verges.

It is agreed that a deep clean is needed in Wheathampstead High Street and Station Road, and the District Council and Veolia undertook this on Friday 18 September. At the same time the York Stone paving was jet washed to bring it back to its former splendour. We can see a huge improvement – now its down to us all to keep it litter free.

Veolia will also be litter picking in certain of the approach roads into Wheathampstead, including Marford Road. We know their resources are limited, so this is a good first start.

In the discussions with Veolia it has come to light how difficult it is to remove chewing gum from paving and tarmac. In fact, it is pretty well impossible to remove it from tarmac. So please remember it’s really dumm to dump your gum!

We have also noticed the volume of cigarette butts that can be found around litter bins, especially outside the Post Office. We are talking to Veolia about the need to empty the ash-tray at the top of the bin. In the meantime can we please some thought to how cigarette ends can be extinguished and then put in the bin, rather than on the ground? When we see the cigarette butts start to decompose and shred their tiny plastic filaments into the environment, it’s clear how important it is to dispose of them properly – in the waste bins.

Now let’s not get us started on dog poo bags – why do dog walkers bother to pick up after their pet and then drop the bag and cause such unsightly litter? The bags can be put in general litter bins – so please make a huge difference and dispose of the dog poo bags carefully.