About Wheathampstead and District
WDPS’s aims are to conserve what is best about Wheathampstead, and to manage any change to the village in the best interests of Wheathampstead as a whole.
A Special Village
Those of us who live in Wheathampstead know how special it is. A rare haven of rural peace close to several large towns and cities, two major roads into London and an airport. Although not as it was thirty years ago, the High Street with its local shops still provides a focus for a community spirit which is valued by most residents. Our village is renowned by newcomers for its friendliness.
Wheathampstead can still offer a choice of primary schools, a library, dentist, doctor, fire station and a range of shops and services rarely found in villages today. Toddlers feed the ducks from the Mill Bridge, teenagers fish from the Quay and families, walking groups and cyclists come from all over the district to enjoy our local walks and escape from the hustle and bustle of cities and towns.

Wheathampstead Heritage Trail
Much of what is good has been captured in the Wheathampstead Heritage Trail, a joint venture between WDPS, Wheathampstead Parish Council and Wheathampstead Business Group (WEB).
Signage Design Statement
WDPS produced a Signage Design Statement in 2010. It has proved to be a very influential document and a catalyst to many improvements in the village.